If you are connected to VA Telehealth, some providers (see below) will not make you pay for data when using the technology. Again, thanks to the VFW Action Corps Weekly for the article below. Please share with your Post's and/or any veteran you know that might need the information. More Veterans Have Unlimited Data for Telehealth: VA has announced that veterans using VA Video Connect on their TracFone mobile phones through the T-Mobile network, will no longer pay for data while using video telehealth technology to connect and meet with their VA health care teams. TracFone Wireless, Inc is the fourth major wireless carrier, after T-Mobile, Sprint, and Verizon to partner with VA to support veterans who are using VA Video Connect. VA Video Connect enables veterans to video conference with their VA providers on their smartphone, tablet or computer from any location with an internet connection. Read more. George W. Smith ALRDOC Service Officer |