
Albert J. Hickman Post 460


American Legion news article                         Dec. 2, 2020


Act of Kindness Spreads Across California


 Mid September 2020, American Legion Post 460 (San Diego) decided to collect some items

 from our community for the Glass fire victims in Napa County. The original plan to deliver

 a pick-up load of goods November 17.  Post 460 members  overwhelmingly began

contributing clothing for all ages, shoes/boots, blankets/bedding and kitchen items. As the

stock pile grew, a decision was made to obtain a 6x12 ft. U-haul trailer to leave early Nov. 20.

With several people loading the trailer with multiple boxes and bags plus a 460 rider member

donating several boxes of canned food, the trailer was full within a couple hours. Some

neighborhood friends dropped off “food to go” for the journey north.


One of 460 rider members offered to drive the trailer to Napa County. On the road 9am, Nov. 21

for a two day drive with final destination American Legion Post 113. Arrangements made

earlier to meet Post Commander Robin Muler to take the trailer to St. Helena school to drop

off the items. Commander Muler arrived early, good thing, as the road was impassable  do to

fallen trees from the fires.


A donation of twelve Veteran-related framed prints were provided to Post 113 to assist their Post

and two other local Posts for fundraising efforts in their communities.


 A special thank you to Post 113 for helping with the last leg of this journey and caring on the

outreach service on behalf of Post 460. Chapter 460 riders offered to pay for travel expenses.


“What a time to share with those in need, as it’s now Thanksgiving!”